SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Hamburg International Short FilmFestival 2012

28 édition
Hamburg International Short FilmFestival 2012
Genre : Festival | Hambourg

Du mardi 29 mai au lundi 04 juin 2012

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

28th Hamburg International ShortFilmFestival: 29 May - 4 June 2012

28. Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg, 29. Mai - 4. Juni 2012
28th Hamburg International Short Film Festival, May 29 - June 4 2012

14. Mo&Friese KinderKurzFilmFestival Hamburg, 28. Mai - 3. Juni 2012
14th Mo&Friese Hamburg Children's Short Film Festival, May 28 - June 3 2012


Bahari, Ahmed Ghoneimy, Egypt, 12'39
* Hamburg Short Film Award (Jury Award of the International Competition, 3000 Euros)
Jury statement: With his deeply personal short fiction piece, the director gives us a glimpse into a society in almost constant transition. Creating a dense atmosphere of allegation and fear, he tells the story of a surreal encounter close by the city of Alexandria, Egypt. Communication seems only possible in a fragmented way. This film won the jury over with its highly proficient, poetic and confident representations of locale, human interaction, and its delicate and deliberate timing.


International Competition (by countries)

Bahari, Ahmed Ghoneimy

Bear, Nash Edgerton

Fancy Fair, Christophe Hermans
Les navets blancs empêchent de dormir, Rachel Lang
Moving Stories, Nicolas Provost
Oh Willy... Emma De Swaef, Marc James Roels

Ovos de dinossauro na sala de estar, Rafael Urban

Yo de aquí te estoy mirando, Felipe Galvez Haberle

Das Badezimmer, Bjørn Melhus
Meteor, Christoph Girardet, Matthias Müller
The Centrifuge Brain Project, Till Nowak
Icebreakers, Maximilien Van Aertryck, Deutschland/Frankreich/Schweden

Junior, Julia Ducournau
Le facteur humain, Thibault Le Texier
Le marin masqué, Sophie Letourneur
Manque de preuves, Hayoun Kwon
Snow Canon, Mati Diop

Great Britain
20 Hz, Ruth Jarman, Joseph Gerhardt
Compulsion, Andrew McVicar
Long Distance Information, Douglas Hart
Sack Barrow, Ben Rivers

Il capo, Yuri Ancarani
Piattaforma luna, Yuri Ancarani

Square Dance Hypnotist, Allan Brown

The Meaning of Style, Phil Collins

The Netherlands
Dochters, Marta Jurkiewicz
Erdkörper (Suns of Temper), Ben Pointeker, The Netherlands/Austria
Small, Sanne Vogel
The Living Room, Roderick Hietbrink

Premature, Gunhild Enger

Apnoe, Harald Hund
Schwere Augen, Siegfried A. Fruhauf

3 dni wolnosci, Lukasz Borowski

As ondas, Miguel Fonseca

Katya Krenalinova, Alexandra Likhacheva

L' ambassadeur & moi, Jan Czarlewski

South Korea
Mo-Deon Pae-Mil-Li, Kwang bin Kim

Inquire Within, Jay Rosenblatt
Narcocorrido, Ryan Prows
Release, Bill Morrison

NoBudget Competition (by countries)

El quilpo sueña cataratas, Pablo Mazzolo
Ping Pong Master, Maria Zanetti, Felicitas Soldi

Ten Quintillion, Romilly Spiers

Perverse Conclave, Joel Rabijns
Standards, Maxime Pistorio, Julia Jaroszewski

Rigid Regime, Erkka Nissinen

Bauernsterben, Michael Hoellerer
Findlinge, Filip Piskorzynski, Anke Böttcher, Alexandra Heneka
Morgen leben wir wieder, Corinna Giesen
Sirenen, Lutz Garmsen
Wax and Wane Between the Nights, Rebekka Böhme, Johanne Roggan, Cindy Hammer
A Fistful of Rupies, Hannes Gieseler, Deutschland/Indien

Profeetta, Veli Gränö

Chambres avec vue, Léo Zarka-Lepage

Shadowlands, Michel Pavlou

Great Britain
A Short Film About Shopping, Henry Miller
Drill Bits, Ian Helliwell
Moxie, Stephen Irwin
After, Lukasz Konopa, Großbritannien/Polen

Panic Room, Yuk-Yiu Ip

Before the Car Arrives, Maria O'Callaghan
Thin Red Line, Paul O Donoghue

Desert Station, Dana Levy

Emaki/Light, Takashi Ishida, Makino Takashi

Combustion, Renaud Hallée
Les dimanches, Jean-Guillaume Bastien
The Ephemeral Village, Allan Brown
The Last Sleep, Mika Goodfriend

The Netherlands
De Zwierenden, Andre Schreuders

Die ArbeiterInnen verlassen die Fabrik, Katharina Gruzei
Hotel Room, Bernd Oppl
Satellites, Karin Fisslthaler
Der Widerwärter, Tanja Wögerbauer, Österreich/Frankreich

Strokkur, João Salaviza

Potihonku Vverh, Alexander Zavin

25km², Jana Mináriková
Pán Mráz, Matus Krajnak

South Korea
Hyundai Group Project, Gye-joong Kim

Animation Hotline, 2011, Dustin Grella
Carbon, Craig Webster
Compound Eyes No. 1, Paul Clipson

German Competition A-Z
Arts + Craft Spectacular #2, Sébastien Wolf, Ian Ritterskamp, Germany
Beige, Sylvie Hohlbaum, Germany
Buck Fever, NEOZOON, Germany/France
Cold Star, Kai Stänicke, Germany
Demo_lition, Dorothea Carl, Claudia Reiche, Germany
Die Schaukel des Sargmachers, Elmar Imanov, Germany
Dobar Mordan, Nader Farahy, Iran/Germany
Ein Mädchen namens Yssabeau, Rosana Cuellar, Germany/Mexico
Escape, Rosa Hannah Ziegler, Germany
Halbe Nacht, Vanessa Nica Mueller, Germany
Kirkcaldy Man, Julian Schwanitz, Great Britain
Like Rats Leaving a Sinking Ship, Vika Kirchenbauer, Germany
Meyer, Sascha Quade, Germany
Paulina, Lynn Kossler, Germany
Poesie des Zufalls, Daniel Lang, Germany
Schnell aber sexy, Marion Pfaus, Germany
Sechster Sinn, Drittes Auge, Zweites Gesicht, Jan Riesenbeck, Germany
Sterben nicht vorgesehen, Matthias Stoll, Germany
Tee trinken, Corinna Schnitt, Germany
Tilman im Paradies, Julian Vogel, Germany
Unter Null, Ulrike Vahl, Germany
Veronika, Mark Michel, Germany
Wenn die Kühe Glocken Tragen, Christian-Maximilian Günzler, Germany
Zucht und Ordnung, Jan Soldat, Germany

Pilsner Urquell Hamburg Nacht A-Z
Cowboy und Indianer, Jan-Gerrit Seyler, Germany
Der fremde Fotograf und die Einsamkeit, Jan Eichberg, Willy Hans, Germany
Die Krippe, Lilli Thalgott, Germany
Eine zukunftsweisende Vergangenheit, Arne Bunk, Germany
Heute und Morgen, Felix Ahrens, Germany
In Jeder Beziehung, Oliver Krüger, Germany/Poland
Landerdbeeren, Esther Bialas, Germany
Macht, dass mir inne wird, was ich durch Euch verloren habe!, Luise Donschen, Germany
Reality 2.0, Victor Orozco Ramirez, Germany/Mexico
Rummelrum, Henning Christiansen, Germany
Von der.Exe und der Sportwagenlüge, Julia Küllmer, Germany

Three Minute Quickie Competition A-Z
Communists Like Us, Les LeVeque, USA
15 x Ulrike Jokiel, HLTV-Drei, Germany
50 Jahre Oberhausener Missverständnis, Markus Mischkowski, Kai Maria Steinkühler, Germany
An Mard, Benham Kamali, Iran
Convicted, Bernie Roddy, USA
Das Westbahnprojekt, Leonhard Müllner, Austria
Der über den Herzog herzog, Carsten Knoop, Dorit Kiesewetter, Germany
Die Ankunft eines Zuges, Telemach Wiesinger, Germany
Die Marshmallow Familie in: Große Momente der Filmgeschichte, Matthias Grübel, Wilhelm Demel, Germany
Die Vögel, HLTV-Drei, Germany
Fahrstuhl..., Andreas Grützner, Esther Weber, Marnie Moldenhauer, Britha Krause, Katrin Meersmann, Michael Kleibrink, Germany
Floyd the Android: Dim Bulb, Jonathan Lyons, USA
Free Rolly, Stefan Möckel, Germany
Gertrude Stein & Gil Favor, Dagmar Cassens, USA
Goo Goo Babies, Alexey Alexeev, Hungary
Goodfellas Drive-In, Nikolas Grasso, Italy
Hermeneutics, Alexei Dimitrev, Russia
Infernal Nuns, Roland Petrizza, Alex Eslam, Germany
Jenseits von Santa Fe (Love Me Do), Wolfgang Neipl, Austria
Lost, Katrin Heinz, Georg Gircher, Germany
Mein Bruder Franz, Philipp Enders, Germany
Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann, Herr Heaven, Germany
Murder Minutes, Alban Low, Great Britain
Nicht mit dem Mund, Carsten Knoop, Dorit Kiesewetter, Germany
Rosalie und Trüffel, Sandra Schießl, Germany
Tarazoo, Ramin Rahbar, Iran
The Jordan River Singers, Christine Maas, The Netherlands
The White Belt, Peter Connelly, Marten Loix, Belgium
Yelp: With Apologies to Allen Ginsberg's Howl, Tiffany Shlain, USA

Pressearbeit/Public Relations: Tim Gallwitz

KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.
Friedensallee 7
22765 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 39 10 63-27
Mobil: +49 170 903 80 30
Fax: +49 40 39 10 63-20

Amtsgericht Hamburg VR 13484 - VAT: DE153047230
Geschäftsführung/Managing Director KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.: Alexandra Gramatke


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

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