SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Festival du Cinéma Africain, d'Asie et d'Amérique Latine de Milan (FCAAAL 2016)

26ème édition
Festival du Cinéma Africain, d'Asie et d'Amérique Latine [...]
Genre : Festival | MILAN

Du lundi 04 au dimanche 10 avril 2016

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv


MILAN 4-10 APRIL 2016

The Festival inaugurates its 26th edition in the
With the Italian premiere of
Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen by Takeshi Kitano

"Windows on the World" Features Films Competition
Our selection of the best films (features and documentaries) of the year from Africa, Asia and Latin America. With a special attention to young filmmakers.
À peine j'ouvre les yeux. Director: Leyla Bouzid
Borders of Heaven. Director: Fares Naanaa
Bopem. Director: Zhanna Issabayeva
La delgada linea amarilla. Director: Celso Garcia
The Dog Show. Director: Ralston G. Jover
Mina Walking. Director: Yosef Baraki
Madame Courage. Director: Merzak Allouache
Rosa Chumbe. Director: Jonatan Relayze Chiang
Siembra. Director: Ángela Osorio Rojas, Santiago Lozano Álvarez
We've Never Been Kids. Director: Mahmood Soliman

African Short Films Competition
Short fiction films and documentaries by young directors from the whole of Africa. The aim of the Section is to promote young African filmmakers at the beginning with Cinema and to show new trends and experimentations in documentary and fiction.
Section Promoter: MoneyGram
Aya goes to the beach. Director: Maryam Touzani
Dry Hot Summers. Director: Sherif Elbendary
Les empreintes douloureuses. Director: Bernard Auguste Kouemo Yanghu
Ireti. Director: Tope Oshin
It's my road. Director: Fifaliana Nantenaina
Leemte. Director: Louw Venter
Un métier bien. Director: Farid Bentoumi
The Mocked One. Director: Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese
My Window. Director: Bahaa el Gamal
Rough Life. Director: Randriamahaly Sitraka
Terremere. Director: Aliou Sow
This Migrant Business. Director: Ng'endo Mukii

Concorso EXTR'A/ Il Razzismo è una brutta storia
The association Il Razzismo è una brutta storia (The Racism is a nasty story) and laFeltrinelli bookshops take part in and support the African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival.
The Racism is a nasty story section includes and awards prizes to the films selected at the festival which have a critical and constructive approach to the topics of discrimination, rights of citizenship and migration.
On Saturday 9th May at 10.00 a.m. at the laFeltrinelli bookshop in Via Manzoni 12, Milan, secondary school pupils and the general public attend the screening of some highlights from the finalistsofthePrizeoftheJury,madeupofyoung people from the Festival's University Section, the representatives of the association Il Razzismo è una brutta storia and laFeltrinelli bookshops. The audience will have the chance to discuss with the directors about the way their films are able to deconstruct stereotypes and racism. TheaimofthecollaborationwiththeAfrican,Asian and Latin American Film Festival is to collect and select films that can offer young people the wealth of diversity, helping them to identify with the stories of their contemporaries, their families, their elder brothers and sisters and feel empathy for the characters in the films, which are capable of giving answers to those questions which boys and girls may ask themselves, often without even knowing or recognizing them, about racism, immigration, personal identity and integration in "other" countries.
From Short African Competition
4 avril 1968 by Myriam Gharbi, France/Guadalupa, 2014, 24'
Discipline by Christophe M. Saber, Switzerland/Egypt, 2014, 12'
Lazy Susan by Stephen Abbott, South Africa, 2015, 10'
From EXTR'A Competition
L'infedele by Angelo Loy, Italy, 2014, 56'
Limbo by Matteo Calore, Gustav Hofer, Italy, 2014, 56'
Mare bianco, Alessandro Renda, Italy, 2014, 53'
Asmarina by Alan Maglio, Medhin Paolos, Italy, 2014, 69'
Gas Station, Alessandro Palazzi, Italy, 2014, 15'
Sexy Shopping by Antonio Benedetto, Adam Selo, Italy, 2014, 17'
Yema e Neka by Matteo Valsecchi, Italy, 2015, 30'

"Flash" Special Events Section
Significant previews presenting recent films by established directors, critically acclaimed films or films that have received awards at the most important international festivals.
Ryūzō and The Seven Henchmen. Director: Takeshi Kitano
Stop. Director: Kim Ki-Duk
Scarecrow. Director: Zig Dulay
Chaotic Love Poems. Director: Garin Nugroho
Monk Comes Down the Mountains. Director: Chen Kaige

"And Everybody's laughing…" Thematic Section
And Everybody's laughing… the funniest comedies from Africa, Asia and Latin America selected in collaboration with Gino e Michele from Zelig. A section dedicated to the most hilarious and most recent comedies from the three countries. For the selection we ask for the collaboration of Gino and Michele, funders of Zelig, the comedy lab par excellence in Italy. The section has been created in order to give a special attention to a genre which is often ignored by critics and film festivals. This is our selection of films about laughings from the world.
Ryūzō and The Seven Henchmen. Director: Takeshi Kitano
Monk Comes Down the Mountains. Director: Chen Kaige

Sezione tematica: Designing Futures
Une révolution africaine (Les dix jours qui ont fait chuter Blaise Compaoré). Director: Boubacar Sangaré & Gidéon Vink
The Revolution Won't Be Televised. Director: Rama Thiaw
Black President. Director: Mpumelelo Mcata
Opening Stellenbosch: From Assimilation To Occupation. Director: Aryan Kaganof

Awards of the 26° Festival del Cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina

Emanuela Martini, President - Cinematographic critic, essayist and Torino Film Festival Director
Alessandra De Rossi - Actress, Philippines
Alex Moussa Sawadogo - Director of Afrikamera, Berlin

City of Milan "Windows of the World" to the Best Feature Film (euro 8.000)
ex-aequo to:
* MADAME COURAGE by Merzak Allouache, Algeria/France, 2015
* WE'VE NEVER BEEN KIDS by Mahmood Soliman, Egypt/UAE/Qatar/Lebanon, 2015

Special Mention to:
LA DELGADA LINEA AMARILLA by Celso R. Garcia, Mexico, 2015

Jury: Angela Calvini (president), Marco Cacioppo e Marta Perego - Duomo Viaggi e Turismo Prize to the Best African Short Film (2.000 €) to:
THE MOCKED ONE by Lemohang Jeremia Mosese, Lesotho, 2015

Special Mentions to:
* THIS MIGRANT BUSINESS by Ng'endo Mukii, Kenya, 2015
* AYA GOES TO THE BEACH by Maryam Touzani, Morocco, 2015

EXTR'A COMPETITION/ Il Razzismo è una brutta storia
Jury is composed by Angela Calvini (president), Marco Cacioppo and Marta Perego.
Razzismo Brutta Storia Prize (1.000 €) to:
DUSTUR by Marco Santarelli, Italy, 2015

Special Mentions to:
* IL MURRAN. MASAI SULLE ALPI by Sandro Bozzolo, Italy, 2015
* LORO DI NAPOLI by Pierfrancesco Li Donni, Italy, 2015

City of Milan Audience Prize
LA DELGADA LINEA AMARILLA by Celso Garcia, Mexico, 2015

Arnone - Bellavite Pellegrini Foundation Prize
The prize consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy and is awarded by a Jury of young people to the best short film on the topics of Globalization, Governance, Rule of Law and intercultural dialogue.
Un métier bien by Farid Bentoumi, France/Algeria, 2015

Special Mention to:
THIS MIGRANT BUSINESS by Ng'endo Mukii, Kenya, 2015
Jury composed by the students: Sara Amico, Ivan Ataco, Kelly Bernavis, Davide Cinque, Alberto Cogliati, Giorgio Coletti, Andy Del Rio, Pasqual eFlauto, Cristopher Gnaniem, Ivan Kovachev, Giulia  Mannarelli, Rocco Maresca, Ciro Marinosci, Beatrice Mombelli, Riccardo Nardin, Danilo Notaristefano, Massimiliano Ortu, Andrea Porta, Filippo Prandi, Karen Saggese, Dana Tescari, Jean Vahid.

The prize consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy of an African short film with educational value.
AYA GOES TO THE BEACH di Maryam Touzani (Marocco)
Jury composed by Massimo Nardin, Neda Furlan, Michela Manente and Massimo Caminiti.

ISMU Prize
The Prize consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy and is awarded by a jury of teachers to the best short film at the festival with educational value. The prize is supported by the Fondazione Ismu Foundation which deals with initiatives and studies on multietnicity.
TERREMERE by Aliou Sow, France/Senegal, 2015

The Prize consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy and is awarded by a jury composed by CUMSE Foundation's members to the best short african film which promotes the dialogue among cultures.
IT'S MY ROAD by Nantenaina Fifaliana, Madagascar, 2015
Jury is composed by Cumse Foundations's members.

Sunugal Prize
The Prize consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy and is awarded by a Jury made up of members of the Sunugal Association to the best African short film.
THE MOCKED ONE by Lemohang Jeremia Mosese, Lesotho, 2015
Jury composed by Modou Gueye, presidente of Sunugal Association and by Paola Deldebbio, Olivier Elouti and Rufin Doh.

Polis Prize
The Prize consists of the acquisition of the distribution rights in Italy and is awarded to a short film on the topic of integration and social cohesion.
Les empreintes douloureuses by B. Auguste Kouemo Yangho France/Camerun, 2015

The prize is awarded by the World Catholic Association for Communication.
Mina Walking by Yosef Baraki, Afghanistan/Canada, 2015
Jury composed by Vanessa Lanari, Gaetano Liguori and Marianna Ninni.

Zooppa - Lenovo Prize: #Italy2050
The prizes to the 3 best works, participating to the Zooppa Contest #Italy2050, dealing with thematics related to a multicultural and technological Italy of the future. Prizes consist on 1.000 euro and a workstation Lenovo "ThinkPad P40 Yoga".
Matter of Edges by CHD Animations (Daniel Maculan, Alberto Rossato and Damiano Zanchetta)
Italia 2050 by APZmedia (Pablo Apiolazza and Federica Raffin)
Sulla nostra pelle by Stefano Silvestri and Andrea Zauli

Sulla nostra pelle has been also selected by a special Civic Schools of Cinema of Milano composed by Felice Cappa and Massimiliano De Serio and the authors won a free admission to attend a Summer School course at the School.




I vincitori del 26° Festival del Cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina

La Giuria composta da
Emanuela Martini, Presidente - Critico, saggista cinematografico e direttore del Torino Film
Alessandra De Rossi - Attrice italo-filippina
Alex Moussa Sawadogo, Direttore di Afrikamera, Berlino

Assegna il Premio Comune di Milano - Miglior Lungometraggio Finestre sul mondo (8.000 €) ex aequo ai film
* MADAME COURAGE di Merzak Allouache, Algeria/Francia, 2015
* WE'VE NEVER BEEN KIDS di Mahmood Soliman, Egitto/Emirati Arabi Uniti/ Qatar/Libano, 2015

Menzione speciale a:
LA DELGADA LINEA AMARILLA di Celso R. Garcia, Messico, 2015

La giuria composta da Angela Calvini (presidente), Marco Cacioppo e Marta Perego assegna il Premio Duomo Viaggi e Turismo al Miglior Cortometraggio Africano (2.000 €) al film
THE MOCKED ONE, Lemohang Jeremia Mosese, Lesotho, 2015

Menzioni speciali:
THIS MIGRANT BUSINESS, di Ng'endo Mukii, Kenya, 2015

AYA GOES TO THE BEACH di Maryam Touzani, Marocco, 2015

CONCORSO EXTR'A/ Il Razzismo è una brutta storia
L'associazione "Il razzismo è una brutta storia" e le Librerie laFeltrinelli assegnano un riconoscimento al miglior film del Concorso Extr'A/Il Razzismo è una brutta storia. La giuria composta da Angela Calvini (presidente), Marco Cacioppo e Marta Perego, assegna:

Premio Razzismo brutta storia (1.000 €) al film
DUSTUR, di Marco Santarelli

Menzioni speciali all'unanimità a:
LORO DI NAPOLI, di Pierfrancesco Li Donni


Premio del pubblico Città di Milano

Premio Arnone - Bellavite Pellegrini Foundation
Un métier bien, di Farid Bentoumi (Francia - Algeria)

Menzione speciale a:
THIS MIGRANT BUSINESS, di Ng'endo Mukii (Kenya)

La giuria è composta da: Sara Amico, Ivan Ataco, Kelly Bernavis, Davide Cinque, Alberto Cogliati, Giorgio Coletti, Andy Del Rio, Pasqual eFlauto, Cristopher Gnaniem, Ivan Kovachev, Giulia  Mannarelli, Rocco Maresca, Ciro Marinosci, Beatrice Mombelli, Riccardo Nardin, Danilo Notaristefano, Massimiliano Ortu, Andrea Porta, Filippo Prandi, Karen Saggese, Dana Tescari, Jean Vahid.

Il premio, che consiste nell'acquisizione dei diritti di distribuzione in Italia, è assegnato da una Giuria di studenti al miglior cortometraggio che affronti i temi della globalizzazione, della governance, della legalità e del dialogo interculturale.

Premio CINIT
AYA GOES TO THE BEACH di Maryam Touzani, Marocco, 2015

Il premio, che consiste nell'acquisizione dei diritti di distribuzione in Italia, è assegnato ad un cortometraggio africano per la promozione della cultura del dialogo e della solidarietà. La Giuria del "Premio CINIT Cineforum Italiano", è composta da Massimo Nardin, Neda Furlan, Michela Manente e Massimo Caminiti.

Premio ISMU
TERREMERE di Aliou Sow, Francia/Senegal, 2015

Premio CUMSE
IT'S MY ROAD di Nantenaina Fifaliana, Madagascar, 2015

La Fondazione CUMSE assegna un premio al miglior cortometraggio del Festival che promuove il dialogo fra le culture. Il Premio consiste nell'acquisizione dei diritti di distribuzione in Italia ed è assegnato da una giuria CUMSE.
Hanno consegnano il premio Roberto Stigliano, Valerio Moccia, Stella Musteata.

Premio Sunugal
THE MOCKED ONE di Lemohang Jeremia Mosese, Lesotho, 2015

Il premio, che consiste nell'acquisizione dei diritti di distribuzione in Italia, è assegnato ad un cortometraggio africano da una giuria composta dal Presidente e dai membri dell'Associazione Paola Deldebbio, Olivier Elouti, Rufin Doh e Modou Gueye.

Premio Polis
Les empreintes douloureuses di B. Auguste Kouemo Yangho, Francia/Camerun, 2015

Il premio, che consiste nell'acquisizione dei diritti di distribuzione in Italia, è assegnato a un cortometraggio che favorisce l'integrazione e la coesione sociale.

Mina Walking di Yosef Baraki, Afghanistan/Canada, 2015
Il premio è assegnato dalla The World Catholic Association for Communication. La Giuria è composta da Vanessa Lanari, Gaetano Liguori e Marianna Ninni.

Premio Zooppa - Lenovo: #Italy2050
CHD Animations (autori di Matter of Edges)
Pablo Apiolazza e Federica Raffin (autori di Italia 2050)
Stefano Silvestri e Andrea Zauli (autori di Sulla nostra pelle)

I premi per i tre selezionati consistono in 1000 euro e una mobile workstation Lenovo "ThinkPad P40 Yoga". Inoltre, Sulla nostra pelle di Stefano Silvestri, selezionato da una giuria composta da Felice Cappa e Massimiliano De Serio, docenti della Civica Scuola di Milano, vince anche la partecipazione gratuita ad un corso della Summer School della Civica.


1 fiches


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

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