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Hyginus Ekwuazi

Hyginus Ekwuazi
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Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Nigerian Scholar and FIlm Critic.

Sometimes credited as
Hyginus Ozoemena EKWUAZI

Hyginus Ekwuazi is Professor of Broadcasting and Film, University of Ibadan, Founding Consulting Director National Film Institute and Former Managing Director of the Nigerian Film Corporation.
Professor Hyginus Ekwuazi was a former dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan. He currently acts as jury in several awards and festivals including Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA).

Ekwuazi, H.O. (1987) & (1991) Film in Nigeria. Ibadan. Moonlight Publishers, Nigeria Ltd, (244 pp). Enlarged second edition, Jos. NFC, 1991 (pp 222).
Ekwuazi, H.O (1991) Creating the Screen Image: Visual Composition for Television and Film. Lagos. Kraft Books Ltd. (166 pp).
Ekwuazi, H.O. (1990) “Television and Nigeria Mass Mediated Audio-Visual Culture in Akali, Domatob and Jika (ed): Africa Media Issues. Enugu, Delta Publications. (pp 34-45).
Ekwuazi, H.O (1991) “The Communicative Import of Film in National Development in Unoh, S. (ed): Topical Issues in Communication Arts (Vol. 11) Uyo. Modern Business Press.(pp. 148-162).
Ekwuazi, H.O. (1991) “Film and Television: Any Common Grounds 4n Olu Aderoumu and Dedenuola (ed). Management and Problems of Media Practices in Nigeria. Lagos. Nigeria Television Forum Lecture. (pp. 46-57).
Ekwuazi, H.O. & Nasidi, Y. (ed) (1992) No.... Not Hollywood: Essays and Speeches of Brendan Shehu. Jos, Nigeria. Jos, Nigeria Film Corporation. (194 pp) My own contribution besides editing: The Preface: xi - xvii.
Ekwuazi, H.O. & Nasidi, Y. (ed) (1992) Operatives Principles of the film Industry: Towards a Film Policy for Nigeria. Jos. NFC. (354pp) My own contribution besides editing: Chapter 4: “The Development of the Nigerian Film Industry: Implications for Research (pp 330-341)
Ekwuazi, H.O. (1993) A New Approach to the Screen Play. Lagos. Kraft Books Ltd (111 pp)
Ekwuazi, H.O. Okome, 0. Okhakhu, M & Ibagere, E (1993) Studies in film and Television. Lagos. Nigerian Film Corporation (pp 158). My Own contribution in the work:- Chapter 1: “Issues in the Use of Film in Research (pp. 1-12) Chapter 2: Film Criticism: Issues, Precepts and the Nigerian Situation (pp13-33).
Adedeji, J.A. & Ekwuazi, H.O. (1994) Nigerian Theater: Dynamics of a Movement.Ibadan: Caltop Publications Nig. (175 pp). My own contribution besides general editing: Editor Preferences (p-iv) Chapter 10: Lights! Camera! Action! The Yoruba Theatre on Screen. (pp. 162-1750)
Tosanwunmi, 0.0. & Ekwuazi, H. O. (ed) (1994) Mass Communication. Ibadan. Caltop Publications, Nig. In association with Dept. of Mass Communication, Delta State University, Abraka. (197 pp.). My own contribution besides editing. Writing for Radio: Basic Principles and Application (pp. 146-172). Writing for Television: Basic Principles and Application (pp. 137-193).
Ekwuazi, H.0 (1996) & (2008) The Television/ Film Documentary: A Production Resource Book. Jos National Film Institute. (112 pp); Ibadan. Kraft Books. (155pp)
Ekwuazi, H.0. (1997) & (200) The Igbo Video Film: A Glimpse into the Cult of the Individual in Jonathan Haynes (ed). Nigerian Video Films. Athens, Ohio University Center for International Studies (pp13-147).
Ekwuazi, H 0 (1986) Morning yet on Judgment Day (A Play in Three Movements). Ibadan. Evans Publishers, Nigeria td. (pp 57).
Ekwuazi, H. 0. (1989) The Great Attempt (A novel adapted from the film of the same title) Ibadan. Mackay Educational Services Nigeria Ltd. (pp 105).
Ekwuazi, H. 0. (1993) A Temple Made of Clay: An Experimental Play. Ibadan: Kraft Books Ltd. (46 pp)
Ekwuazi, H.0. (2000) For whom the Mourners Mourn (A Play in Three Movements). Lagos: Macmillan Publisher, Nigeria Ltd. (pp 46).
Ekwuazi, H.0. (2002) Discourse on Film Censorship in Nigeria in Augustine-Ufua Enahoro (ed) Cinema Discourse. Jos. Positive Education Publishers. (pp. 34-49)
Ekwuazi H., Sokomba J & Mgbejume 0 (ed) (2000) Making the Transition from Video to Celluloid. Jos. NFC/UNESCO (332pp) my own contribution:
Preface p.vii-ix Chapter 1: Perspectives on the Nigerian Motion Picture Industry’ (1-11).
Ekwuazi, H. 0. (2003) (ed) Zanani's Screenplay. (UNESCO sponsored).
Jos. NFL (153 pp). My own contribution besides editing; A Screenplay is born pp5-11.
Ekwuazi, H. 0. (2006) Love Apart (Poems) Ibadan. Kraft Books Ltd. (84pp). Winner: ANA/Cadbury prize for poetry (2007); Winner: ANA/NDDC-Gabriel Okara prize for poetry (2007)
Ekwuazi, H.O.(2007) Advertising on television: the TV commercial from premise through concept copy to storyboard & production. Ibadan. Sterlin Hordens. (357pp)
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2008) Dawn into moonlight: all around me drawing (poems) Ibadan. Kraft Books Ltd.(108pp). Winner: ANA/NDDC Gabriel Okara Prize for Poetry, 2008.
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2009) The Monkey's Eyes (Poems) Ibadan. Kraft Books Ltd (136pp)
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2010) That Other Country (Poems). Ibadan. Kraft Books Ltd. Winner: ANA/Cadbury Prize for Poetry (2010) 110pp.
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2011) I've Miles to Walk Before I Sleep. (Fiction). Ibadan. Kraft Books Ltd. (167 pp)
Ekwuazi, H.O. (1986) Towards a Development Schema for the Nigerian Film Culture Nigeria Magazine, Vol. 54, No. 2 (pp. 56-67).
Ekwuazi, H.O. (1987) The Semantic Environment of the Television News Bulletin. Ivie, Nigerian Journal of Arts and Culture, Vol.1 No 4 (pp. 86-100)
Ekwuazi, H.0. (1988) Film Production in Nigeria. Nigeria Magazine, Vol. 56, No.2 (Pp. 22-25)
Ekwuazi, H.0. (1990) Towards a Theory for Film Acting: The Nigerian Experience. Africa Media Review, African Council for Communication Education (ACCE) Nairobi Kenya, Vol.5, No. 2 (pp. 95-106).
Ekwuazi, H.0. (1991) Towards the Decolonization of the African Film. Africa Media Review, African Council for Communication Education (ACCE), Nairobi, Kenya, Vol.5, No.2 (pp. 95-106)
Ekwuazi, H.O. (1992) Towards an Effective Film Criticism. Alore, Ilorin Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 6-8, 94-104.
Ekwuazi, H. O. (2007) Nigerian Literature and the development of the Nigerian Film Industry. IJOTA: Ibadan Journal of Theatre Arts, Vol 1, No. 1 130-139.
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2008). Nollywood: History as Economic Determinism or as an Accident in Evolutionary Trends/Creative Process. International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Scholarship. Special Issue. Motion Picture in Nigeria, No. 3-5. 135-142.
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2008). Development Communication: Towards an Assessment of the Nollywood Practice. International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Scholarship. Special Issue. Motion Picture in Nigeria, No. 3-5. 190-206.
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2008). Nollywood: Living in the Bondage of Wealth Creation. International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Scholarship. Special Issue. Motion Picture in Nigeria. No. 3-5. 229-307.
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2008). Eye on Corruption. A mass mobilization Project. The CRAB, Journal of Theatre & Media Arts No. 2-4, June.
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2008). The Other Nollywood: The Documentary. IJOTA: Ibadan Journal of Theatre Arts: July Special Edition: Nollywood.com. No. 2-4. 284-297.
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2010). Portrait of the Nigerian Poet. Nigerian Literature Today: A Journal of Contemporary Nigeria Writing.
Ekwuazi, H.O. (1993) Rasheed Gbadamosi: Towards the Screen Adaptation of the Plays. ASE: Journal of Contemporary Literature (Special Issues on Rasheed Gbadamosi) Vol.1 No.3 (Harmattan) 1993. (pp. -49)
Ekwuazi, H.O. (1993) Development Communication: Towards a Synthesis of Ideas. JAPA: Journal of Africa Theater Arts Vol. 1 No.1 (pp. 100-111)
Ekwuazi, H.O. (1994) Culture and the Nigerian Film. IRORO-JASS (1994/1995) No. 1 (pp. 177, 183)
Ekwuazi, H.O. Muenier's Barriers: What Barriers to a Screen Adaptation ASE: Journal of Contemporary Nigeria Life and Literature. VoI. 1, 111. No.1. French Themes Nigerian Background. (pp. 125-135)
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2001) Political Values and the Nigerian Film. Matata: Journal for African Culture & Society, Numbers 23-24. (257-282)
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2006) Supremacy of image on the discourse in the news and TV. The Crab: Journal of Theater and Media Arts, Vol.1 No.2, June 2006, (165-175)
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2006) The Hausa video film: the call of the muezzin; Film International, issue 28, vol.5, Nov 4: 2007 (64-70).
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2008). Nollywood: The Audience as Merchandise. Canadian Journal of Culture and Society, vol. 13, No. 12 April 30.
Ekwuazi, H.O. (2008). Nollywood's Movie Magic: The Superiority of Theme Over Technique. Journal of Popular Arts and Culture, vol. 12, No. 2, June 30.



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