SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Franco Clerc

Franco Clerc
Film director, Graphic artist, Comicist
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Comic strip

Damy Franco Clerc, whose real name, belongs to the younger generation of artists emerging in Madagascar. Like all his fellows, he followed a self-taught before studying art history more seriously and comics technical.

A Graduate Diploma in Tourism and hotel management, then freshly out of the National School of Maritime Training (Shipping), yet the young man decides to devote himself to the visual arts, cinema and especially the comics. He then chained courses, trainings and workshops for professional development in addition to his personal research. A period which also amounts to a restart from scratch of his professional life doing odd jobs as an actor, appearing in ad campaigns, illustrator, designer, portraitist and yarn needle, story-boarder, scriptwriter, assistant director and then director.

Today he earns his living as a private consultant for the design and production of visual communication tools. His work can start from simple illustrations, poster design, publishing books on making movies (documentaries or commercials). He also teaches drawing and visual arts to individuals and regularly leads workshops in the capital of Madagascar and in other cities.

His achievements in comic strip remain sets of themes up to now but its bibliography counts today 7 small published works of which two are creations.

In 2008, he melts with some draughtsmen the Tantsary Association for the promotion of the comics and visual arts in Madagascar, supporting productions and help young talents for professional career. In addition to the presidency of association, he deals with communication and events organization and coordinates several projects.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

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