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Architect, Graduate of fine-Arts in (Ecole des Beaux-Arts d'Abidjan (1982)
Born at Bouaké, Ivory Coast. Ernest Dükü, lives and works between Abidjan and Paris. Artist Plasticien (Painting - Sculpture - Installation) is artistik approach is embedded in the following question: How does the unspoken burden our memory?
- The unspoken about history.
- The unspoken about religious syncretisms.
About its work Ernest Dükü say: " In my art, I endeavor to question symbols that humanity created long ago. I research responses to certain questions which fundamentally link humanity "
Ernest Dükü holds a D.E.A (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies) in Philosophy Esthetic and sciences of Art, Université Paris 1 - Panthéon -Sorbonne (1990), supervised by Jean - Louis Paudrat and Marc Jimenez.
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