SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Anne Poiret

Anne Poiret
Film director, Journalist, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Anne Poiret is a filmmaker and investigative journalist based in Paris. Anne has often filmed the traumas of the "neither peace, nor war" situations in the Middle East, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Iraq and Africa. In 2007, she won France's most prestigious award for journalism, the Prix Albert-Londres, for her film shot in Sri Lanka "Muttur: a Crime Against Humanitarians". Other films include:

* "The Forgotten Genocide (Namibie: le génocide du 3è Reich)" (52', 2011) It is the first of the twentieth century, yet no one remembers the genocide of the Herero and Nama in Namibia in 1904.

* "The Khmer Rouge: the Impossible trial" (52', 2008), the ambivalence of contemporary Cambodia, where victims and torturers live face to face.

* "The Road of the Iron Curtain" (52', 2009), log book along the former Iron Curtain, in search of the people who lived close to the abyss.

* the feature-length documentary "State Builders," codirected with Florence Martin-Kessler. Ffrom which this Op-Doc is adapted, is produced by Quark Productions and will broadcast in 2013 on ARTE TV.


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Fabrique d'un État (La) | State Builders



  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

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