SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Fédération Africaine de la Critique Cinématographique (FACC)

© DR
Genre : Cultural operator
Status : International organisation
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Founded in Tunis October 8, 2004, on the sidelines of the 20th Carthage Film Festival, the AFFC is a non-governmental organization composed by African film critic associations and individual members. AFFC is actually present in 33 countries of Africa and the African
Diasporas in Europe.
Based in Dakar, Senegal, the Federation has now more than 350 journalists and film critics. It is headed by a board composed of
seven members. Its electronic cinema magazine "Africine.org" launched in 2005 is ranked as the world leader of African Cinema and Diasporas. Its database covers nearly 16,000 movies and offers visitors more than 2 800 articles and reviews about film in Africa.

MARRAKECH, 17-19 December 2015

About thirty participants from 15 countries members of
the Federation took part in the congress work issued on the amendment and adoption of the Statutes and Rules of the Federation, and the election of a new board of seven (07) members:
- President: Khalil DAMOUN (Morocco)
- First Vice-President: Mahrez KAROUI (Tunisia)
- Second Vice-President: Yacouba SANGARE (Ivory Coast)
- General Secretary: Espera DONOUVOSSI (Benin)
- Deputy General Secretary: Fatou Kinè SENE (Senegal)
- General Treasurer: Pélagie NG'ONANA (Cameroon)
- Communication Officer: Charles AYETAN (Togo)


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

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