SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

The 13th Zanzibar International Film Festival 2010

Genre : Calls for papers
Contact details Boîte Postale 3032 ZANZIBAR, TANZANIE Tél : (255) 777 411 499 Fax : (255) 777 419 955
Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : December 2010
Published on : 12/03/2010
Contact by email

The Zanzibar International Film Festival is the largest multi disciplinary art and cultural festival in Africa dedicated to the exhibition of films, music, Panorama. Each year ZIFF exhibits more than 150 films made in Africa, Middle East, Europe, Latin America, USA and Asia.

The Zanzibar International Film Festival is currently accepting applications for all African films and films from the Dhow Countries region- South East Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, The Persian Gulf, Iran, Pakistan, and the Indian Ocean Islands. Films must be directed by an African or from a Dhow country and produced after 2007. ZIFF reserves the right to accept any films with a specific interest to the festival. Films should preferably depict the Festival theme; HOPES IN HARMONY. Films on this theme will be given priority and we encourage filmmakers to submit works in any genre, in features, documentaries, short films, animation and music videos. We will accept submissions of works in progress; however, films must be completed no later than May 15, 2010.

For Submission Procedures Contact:

P.O. BOX 3032,
Tél: (255) 777 411 499
Fax: (255) 777 419 955


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

With the support of