SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Intizar
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2005
Format : Feature
Running time : 89 (in minutes)

Before leaving Palestine for good, Ahmad, a director, accepts a last job from his friend, the director of Palenstine's future national theater. Ahmad must organize auditions in the refugee camps to select actors for the national troupe.
Accompanied by Bissan, a journalist, and "Light", his cameraman, Ahmad sets out to find actors in camps in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
As the auditions progress, Ahmad asks his aspiring actors to act what most reflects the essence of Palestinian existence: waiting.

by Rashid Masharawi, France/ Palestine, Digital (to 35mm), 2005 - 1 h 28 min 45 s, color, 1,85, Dolby SRD

Sortie France / French release: : 10/05/2006

Réalisateur [Director]: Rashid MASHARAWI
Scénario [Script]: Rashid MASHARAWI & Oscar KRONOP
Producteurs [Producers]: Setareh Farsi & Rashid Masharawi
Décors [Production Design]: Houssein BAYDOUN
Musique [Music]: RegMusic Factory-Ralph EL KHOURY & Elie BARBAR
Directeur de la Photographie [Director of Photography]: Jacques Besse, Julien Perrin
Son [Sound Mixer]: Bruno AUZET
Montage [Film Editor]: Jacques Witta, Franck Nakache
Montage son [Sound editing]: Selim AZZAZI

Co-coproduction with
2M Télévision (Morocco)

With support from
Arte France
CNC, Centre National de la Cinématographie : Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (France),
ADC Sud et Fonds Sud Cinéma : Ministère des Affaires Etrangères (France),
Palestinian Ministry of Culture,
I2I Preparatory Action (Union Européenne),
Media Plus, Communauté Européenne,
Hubert Bals Fund - Global Film Initiative

Format de production/Production format: 35 mm
Format de projection/Screening format: 35 mm
Cadre/Frame: 1,85
Son/Sound format: Dolby SRD

Casting / Interprètes
Areen OMARI (Bissan)
Mahmoud AL MASSAD (Ahmad)
Youssef BAROUD (Loumir)
Abderrahman Abou EL QASSEM (Abou Jamil)
Fouad ALSHOMALI (Abou Ziad)
Shukran MURTAJA (Anouar)
Ibrahim Abed ASKOULI (Bashar)

Prix / Awards / Festivals

2005 | 25th Amiens Intl FF / France
- Licorne d'Or (Grand Prix)

Med Film Festival / Italy
*Amore e Psiche Award

Mons Film Festival / Belgium
*RTBF Award

Festival International du Film de Venise 2005
Festival International du Film de Pusan 2005 (Corée),
Festival International du Film de Sao Paulo Festival 2005 (Brésil)
Festival International du Film de Thessalonique 2005 (Grèce)
Festival International du Film de Rotterdam 2006 (Pays-Bas)
Festival International du Film de Jérusalem 2006 (Israel).


5 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

With the support of