SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Rêve Kakudji (Ouverture)

Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2013
Format : Feature
Running time : 62 (in minutes)

Serge Kakudji is a twenty-year-old Congolese counter tenor who fell in love with opera as a young boy, listening to audiotapes of opera recordings in his room in Lubumbashi. Later he traveled to Europe to achieve his dream of becoming a top opera singer. Although Serge's artistic ambitions are pure and uncomplicated, the reactions among his environment and audiences are often ambiguous and divided. While some people respect and acknowledge his artistic vocation, others see him as an exotic oddity, or complain that that his African timbre jars with classical opera. Serge refuses to be discouraged by any of this. On the contrary, he wants to hold up a mirror to Western culture and confront it with its underlying beliefs. He also wants to use his story and experiences in the west to bring opera to Congo. Together with his countrymen and women, he wants to found a Congolese opera tradition based on African stories that will inspire people to follow their dreams.

Dir. Ibbe Daniels & Koen Vidal

Belgium, 2013, Documentary, 62 min. French, English, Italian & Swahili w/ English subtitles

Official Selection Docville, Leuven, Belgium,2013
Official Selection IDFA music documentary competition, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2013
Official Selection Festival du Film Francophone, Namur, Belgium, 2013
Official Selection New York African Film Festival, New York, USA, 2014
Official Selection Salaam Kivu International Film Festival, Kivu, Congo, 2014
Official Selection Congo in Harlem, New York, USA, 2015


Serge Kakudji is een Congolese operazanger die zijn ambitieuze droom waarmaakt in West-Europa. We volgen hem in het jaar dat hij afstudeert aan het conservatorium van Parijs waar zijn internationale carrière meer en meer allure begint te krijgen. Kakudji zingt ‘solo' in onze blanke operawereld. Dat hij de allereerste is maakt van hem tegen wil en talent een exotisch fenomeen.

een documentaire film van Ibbe Daniëls en Koen Vidal, in co-productie met VRT-Canvas, Casa Kafka Pictures, met steun van de Belgische Ontwikkelingssamenwerking DG-D, le centre du cinéma de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et de VOO, het Media+ programma van de Europese Unie, het Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds.

scenario & interviews KOEN VIDAL
geluidsmixage NILS FAUTH
geluidsopnames PASCAL BRAECKMAN


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

With the support of