Moussa is a young boy from Burkina Faso. He was born and lives in the same village as his parents, his family and his wife, Fatima, although he prefers to call her "Bamako", because it's there, in the capital of Mali, that he met her before they married and had a baby, Mamadou. Although the land produces just enough to survive on, the precarious balance has recently been upset by a long drought. Driven by the responsibility of helping his family, and having asked the elders of his hamlet for their opinion, Moussa decides to immigrate to Europe.
56th Edition of the San Sebastian International Film Festival, * Selection - Section: "Zabaltegi Special Screenings" * Ibaia Award
Festival de Cine Español de Nantes (Nantes Spanish Film Festival) (France), * Selection
African Film Festival of Tarifa (Spain), * Selection
Festival de Cine del Sur (Southern Film Festival) in Puerto La Cruz (Venezuela), * Selection
Muestra de Cine Europea Ciudad de Segovia (The City of Segovia European Film Festival) (Spain), * Selection
Environmental International Film Festival (France), * Selection
Festival Internacional de Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de Havana (Havana International Festival of New Latin American Cinema) (Cuba), * Selection
Festivalito-Festival Internacional de Cine Chico (Festivalito-International Low-budget Films Festival) in the Canary Islands (Spain), * Selection
Festival Internacional de Cine y Video de los Pueblos Indígenas (The Indigenous Peoples International Film and Video Festival) (Bolivia), * Selection
Festival Internacional de Cinema i Drets Humans a Mallorca (International Cinema and Human Rights Festival in Majorca) (Spain)
* Selection
Festival Internacional de Cine Pobre de Humberto Solas (Humberto Solas' International Film Festival for the Economically Challenged) (Gibara, Cuba) * Grand Prize for Best Feature Length Fictional Film * Special Mention, by the Foreign Press.
ES Moussa es un joven de Burkina Faso. Vive en la aldea donde nació con sus padres, su familia y su mujer, Fátima, aunque él prefiere llamarla "Bamako" porque es allí, en la capital de Mali, donde la conoció, antes de casarse y tener a su bebé, Mamadou. El campo da lo justo para comer, pero ese precario equilibrio se ha roto últimamente debido a la larga sequía. Empujado por la responsabilidad de ayudar a la familia, y tras pedir opinión a los ancianos de su aldea, Moussa decide emigrar a Europa.
DIRECTORES Omer Oke, Txarli Llorente
Título: Querida Bamako Título original: Querida Bamako
Año: 2007 Fecha de estreno: 2007-10-19 Género: Drama
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