SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Men of Clay

  • Hommes d'argile (Les)
Genre : Historical
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2015
Format : Feature
Running time : 109 (in minutes)

Les Hommes d'Argile is a poetic film about the forgotten battle of North Africans on the side of the allies during World War II. But don't expect violent actions and dialogues. The film is not so much a reconstruction of forgotten war facts, but rather a search for pure beauty in the midst of pure horror.

Sulayman, with blazing eyes, his radiant face, lives in "the clay boulder" in perfect harmony with fauna and flora. An orphan since the age of three, he was raised by an old hermit, with "stormy veins". Sulayman meets Khadija, the daughter of the village head, Caïd. Caïd is a supporter of the French occupation, and is strictly opposed to any union between Sulayman and his daughter. The young shepherd, through the deepest fibres of his soul, finds himself between two worlds. His greatest wish would be to not have to choose, but as he must, Sulayman sets out to unite them within the heart of his new journey... "Men of Clay" is a metaphysical tale about the human condition. This journey explores the fibers of the soul, transcends certainties and contradictions, such as the vulnerability of being or fields of confusion. It cracks and obligates one to rebuild and enhance all aspects of beauty within a universe that ends up breathless...

A film by Mourad Boucif

Belgium / Morocco / France, 2015, Feature Film, 109 min

starring Miloud Nasiri, Magaly Solier,Tibo Vandenborre, Mourad Wagli, Mohamed Zahir,Christian Crahay, Abdelkrim Qissi, Jean-Batiste Iera, Mahjoub Benmoussa, Rafiq Boubkoeur, Jamal Tahri, Rachida Chbani, Mustapha El Hamel, Jawad Elbe, Kamal Kenzo


Miloud Nasiri
Magalie Solier
Tibo Vandenborre
Mourad Wagli
Mohamed Zahir
Christian Crahay
Abdelkrim Oissi
Jean- Baptiste Iera
Mahjoub Benmoussa
Rafik Boubkoeur
Rachida Chbani
Jawad Elbe



Les hommes d'argile is een poëtische oorlogsfilm over de vergeten strijd van Noord-Afrikanen aan de zijde van de geallieerden tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Maar verwacht geen rauw actiegeweld of gewelddadige dialogen. De prent is niet zozeer een reconstructie van vergeten oorlogsfeiten, maar eerder een zoektocht naar pure schoonheid te midden van pure gruwel.

Mourad Boucif

België / Marokko / Frankrijk, 2015, Feature Film, 109 min


Miloud Nasiri
Magalie Solier
Tibo Vandenborre
Mourad Wagli
Mohamed Zahir
Christian Crahay
Abdelkrim Oissi
Jean- Baptiste Iera
Mahjoub Benmoussa
Rafik Boubkoeur
Rachida Chbani
Jawad Elbe

2016 | Festival International du Film Transsaharien de Zagora - FIFT 2016, Morocco, 22-26 dec 2016
* Prix de la critique africaine (FACC)



O jovem órfão Sulayman, que foi criado por um velho eremita, vive numa rocha de argila localizada no Marrocos em perfeita harmonia com a natureza local. Sulayman se apaixona por Kadija, filha de Caid, chefe de uma imensa região, que prestes a morrer aceita o casamento entre os dois jovens. Eclode a 2ª Guerra Mundial, e o jovem Sulayman é forçado a alistar- se no exército francês. Imerso nas atrocidades da guerra, ele decide encontrar sua condição humana na dualidade entre os soldados franceses e o inimigo alemão, em uma guerra que, inicialmente, não tem nenhuma relação com seu país.

Bélgica, Marrocos, França | 2015 | 108min - 12 anos

Gênero: Drama

Direção: Mourad Boucif
Idioma: Árabe com legendas em português
Elenco: Miloud Nasiri, Magaly Solier, Tibo Vandenborre, Mourad Wagli

2016 | 11° Mostra Mundo Árabe de Cinema | São Paulo, Brazil | De 10 de agosto a 28 de agosto de 2016 | Realização Instituto da Cultura Árabe - ICArabe
Screening: 10.8, qua, 20h30, Cinesesc (Sessão de Abertura)
Screening: 13.8, sáb, 17h, CCBB-SP
Screening: 14.8, dom, 19h, CineSesc
Screening: 18.8, qui, 17h, CCBB-SP
Screening: 21.8, dom, 16h, CCSP


7 files


2 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

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