SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Mahmoud Jemni

  • Mahmoud Jemni
© Marie de Peyster
Film director, Producer, Film critic, Journalist, Screenwriter, Assistant director
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Literature, Media

Tunisian Film Director, screenwriter, Film Critic, Journalist and writer

Mahmoud JEMNI is a free lance critique and journalist in the following publications: 7ème Art, La Vie Culturelle, the Radio Culturelle Africaine and Africiné.

Mahmoud Jemni began his film career in 1971 as an assistant to René Vautier. He has directed several short films. His trilogy "Pain and Resistance" is composed of "Coloquinte" (2012), "Warda, la passion de la vie" (2015) and "Non.Oui" (2019). He is also a film critic and jury member at several festivals including Locarno, Dubai, Geneva and Oujda. He is the president of the FIFAG, Gabes International Arab Film Festival, which he founded in 2015.

He is member of the Tunisian Association for the Promotion of Cinema Critique (ATPCC).
He is a former secretary general of the same association. He is also member of FACC (Fédération Africaine de la Critique Cinématographique). He has been assistant director to many French directors from 1971 to 1977. He directed 3 children's short fillms and has written the book: Quarante ans de cinéma tunisien : regards croisés in November 2006.
He won the Grand Nile Prize for Best Short Documentary (2000 Dollars and the Golden Mask of Tutankhamen) at the 4th Luxor African FilmFest - LAFF 2015 in Egypt, with his film WARDA (2014).

In 2019, Mahmoud JEMNI directed his first feature NO.YES (NON.OUI). He won The Audience Award at 2020 Vues d'Afrique (Montreal) and was selected at 2019 Carthage Film Festival (JCC, section: Regards sur le Cinéma Tunisien).



محمود الجمني
متقاعد من سلك التربية بدأت علاقته بالسينما من خلال ارتياده لنوادي السينما في الستينات قبل أن يشارك في تصوير العديد من الافلام كمساعد مخرج (مع ريني فوتيي)وغيره أو إخراج مشترك. أخرج ثلاثة أشرطة قصيرة مع الأطفال في إطار مجال التربية على الصورة ثم أطر وأنتج عدة أفلام قصيرة أخرجها يافعون شارك بعضها في أيام قرطاج السينمائية وبعض المهرجانات الدولية

تطرّق للنقد السينمائي عبر العديد من المقالات و عبر حصة اذاعية تهتم بالسينما و كذلك عبر تكليفه بمهام كاتب عام و أمين مال داخل الجمعية التونسية للنهوض بالنقد السينمائي،
نشر كتاب :"أربعون سنة من السينما التونسية: رؤى متقاطعة",
مؤسس و مؤطر لجنة تحكيم الأطفال في دورتي 2008 و 2010 لأيام قرطاج السينمائية.
عضو لجان تحكيم دولية في بعض المهرجانات منها القاهرة- دبي ولوكارنو



Regista, sceneggiatore, critico cinematografico, giornalista e scrittore tunisino.

Mahmoud JEMNI ha iniziato la sua carriera cinematografica nel 1971 come assistente di René Vautier. Ha diretto numerosi cortometraggi. La sua trilogia "Pain and Resistance" è composta da "Coloquinte" (2012), "Warda, la passion de la vie" (2015) e "Non.Oui" (2019). È anche critico cinematografico e membro della giuria in numerosi festival tra cui Locarno, Dubai, Ginevra e Oujda. È presidente della FIFAG, Gabes International Arab Film Festival, che ha fondato nel 2015.


Biography supplied by the person concerned


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

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