SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Un soir après la guerre

  • Un soir après la guerre
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1997
Format : Feature
Running time : 149 (in minutes)

Rithy Panh
- 1997 - 2h29 min - 35 mm - colour

Screenplay: Rithy Panh, Eve Deboise
Photography: Christophe Pollock
Music: Marc Marder
Editing: Marie-Christine Rougerie
Production design: Nhean Chamnaul
Sound: Eric Vaucher, Gérard Lamps
Production: JBA Production, Thelma Film AG, La Sept-Cinéma
Cast: Chan Chea Lyda (Srey Poeuv), Roeun Narith (Savannah), Keo Ratha (Maly), Kheav Sra Ngath (l'enfant muet), Mol Sovannak (Phâl), Var Simorn (Nalin)


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

With the support of