SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Bakoroman
© L'Atelier documentaire
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Feature
Running time : 62 (in minutes)

Leaving your family at the age of seven, twelve, sixteen: a leap into the unknown. Taking up residence in front of a shop, in a video store, nearby a bus station. Learning how to take drugs, how to go begging, to steal, flee, fight, and no longer feel fear. Making friends and enemies. Getting integrated into a new world. Getting used to... Stories worth listening, paths worth following: the film portrays a few "Bakoroman" from Gounghin, a central neighborhood in Ouagadougou, the capital city of Burkina Faso.

a film by Simplice Herman GANOU

Burkina Faso / France, 2011, documentary, 1h22 & 1h02', Color

Themes: Childhood | Youth | Poverty | Urban life | Burkina Faso

Duration: 82 min & 62 min
Type: documentary
Country: Burkina Faso / France
Year: 2011
Original language: Mooré
Subtitled version: French - English
Production support: DVcam
Streaming support: DVcam / Beta-Num / Beta -Sp

Director: Simplice Ganou
Screenplay: Simplice Herman GANOU
Photography: Michel K. Zongo
Sound: Jupiter Moumouni Sodré
Editing: Annie Waks

The Documentary Workshop (France)

Diam Prod (Burkina Faso)

The Documentary Workshop
atelierdocumentaire (@) yahoo.fr, +33 6 12 50 18 00 (Mobile)

CNC, Procirep / Angoa, Film Fund GÖTEBORG, OIF, Africalia


* Nouveauté Lumière Award /// Festival Lumières d'Afrique de Besançon (France)
* Special mention /// Festival Corsicadoc (France)
* Python Papou (Best Documentary) /// Festival Quintessence à Ouidah (Bénin)
* Selection /// Festival Ciné Droit Libre (Burkina Faso)
* Selection /// Festival Doclisboa (Portugal),
* Selection /// Festival Vues d'Afrique (Canada)
* Selection /// Festival international du Cinéma des peuples Ânûû-rûâboro
* Selection /// Festival Cinémas d'Afrique Lausanne (Suisse)
* World Premier (Section: Africa) /// Les États Généraux du Documentaire (Lussas, France)


3 files


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

With the support of