SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

International Film festival of Digital Independent Cinema

Genre : Festival | Paris

From tuesday 01 to tuesday 08 december 2009

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

"Songes d'une nuit DV" is a regional event, but with an international scope. The festival will be held from the 1st to the 8th of December 2009 in Paris and throughout the region Ile de France. "Songes d'une nuit DV" celebrates this year its 10th birthday and will pay homage to Carlos Saura and young Spanish cinema. Initiated by Caroline Chomienne in 2000, the festival bolsters a bold and inventive cinema, from all generations, around the topics of cultural diversity and contemporary world.

Competitive sections

Feature films : The feature films jury will assign the feature film Prize, given by the Beaumarchais/SACD foundation: 1.000 euros and a writing grant for the development of a feature film project.
Documentaries : The documentaries jury will assign the documentary Prize, given by ALGA PANAVISION: 4.000 € for material renting.
Short films : The short films jury will assign the short film Prize, given by Version Finale Production: 5 days of free editing.

The application for competitive sections is open to

Feature films, short films, documentary films, school films, animation and experimental films which have never been presented in Paris nor in the Ile de France, are shot in digital, were finished after september 2009, and are in French version or subtitled in French.

The DVD prints for the selection committee must be delivered or sent by mail, (expenses on the charge of the sender), before the 15th of August 2009, to festival's adress: Creative Camera - Altermédia, 13 rue Fontaine 93.200 St Denis, France.

Registration/Enrollment will be done by dropping of or sending to the organization of:
- Two DVDs of the film

Documents to be send by post and e-mail songes[at]altermedia.org:
- The entry form completed and signed
- Stills of the film and director in JPEG format
- Press-book

Recurring events

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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

With the support of