Idriss Gabel

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Film director, Screenwriter, Editor
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Belgian Film editor and Film director of French descent.

Idriss GABEL is a Film editor and Film director.

He is known for KATANGA BUSINESS (2009, Assistant Editor), SNOEZELEN, UN MONDE EN QUÊTE DE SENS (2015, Director), KOLWEZI ON AIR (2016, Director).

Idriss GABEL is the son and grandson of ministers. A native of France, his family immigrated to Belgium when he was 3 years old. As a teenager, a true prodigal son, he was dismissed from several schools and ended up in a garbage school" in Brussels. He took advantage of this situation by studying cinema, for which he found a passion. Eventually, he began working with Belgian director Thierry Michel as his official editor and filmmaking collaborator in Congo. Kolwezi on Air (2016) is Gabel's third film.

Since a very early age, he held a passion for cinema. During his studies, he taught himself how to edit films and was discovered early on by Belgian director Thierry Michel who made him his go-to editor. Gabel joins Michel on several shoots in the Congo and contributes to over ten of his films as an editor. Thanks to these experiences, he discovers his talent for directing and a particular quality to capture the point of view of his films' protagonists. His work as a filmmaker is inspired by his family's migrant background and by his brother's Down's syndrome. Thus, his two first short films, HANDICAP TOI-MÊME ! (2014) and SNOEZELEN, UN MONDE EN QUÊTE DE SENS (2015), deal with disabled children. His first feature documentary, KOLWEZI ON AIR (2016) chronicling the efforts of a local television news team in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, screened at many international film festivals. I USED TO LIKE THE SEA (2018) is his fourth film and second feature.

FILMOGRAPHY (as Director)
2020 - Le Fantôme de Spandau (Documentary)
2018 - I Used To Like The Sea (Documentary)
2016 - Kolwezi on air (Documentary)
2015 - Snoezelen, un monde en quête de sens (Short Documentary)
2014 - Handicap toi-même !(Short Documentary)

FILMOGRAPHY (as Screenwriter)
2020 - Le Fantôme de Spandau (Documentary)
2018 - I Used To Like The Sea (Documentary) (writer)
2016 - Kolwezi on air (Documentary)
2015 - Snoezelen, un monde en quête de sens (Short Documentary)
2014 - Handicap toi-même !(Short Documentary)

2021 - L'Empire du silence (documentaire) // Dir: Thierry Michel
2021 - Les mots de la fin /Closing Words (Documentary). Dirs: Gaëlle Hardy & Agnès Lejeune
2018 - Les Dragons: The Dragons - Dir. P. Meranger (Documentary)
2017 - Children of Chance (Documentary)
2015 - L'homme qui répare les femmes: la colère d'Hippocrate (Documentary)
2014 - Voisins (Short)
2013 - Moïse Katumbi: Foot, business et politique (Documentary)
2012 - L'affaire Chebeya, un crime d'Etat? (Documentary)
2010 - Katanga, la guerre du cuivre (Documentary)
2009 - Aller-retour

FILMOGRAPHY (as Assistant Camera)
2013 - Moïse Katumbi: Foot, business et politique (Documentary)

FILMOGRAPHY (as Assistant editor)
2009 - Katanga Business (Documentary)

FILMOGRAPHY (Sound department)
2016 Kolwezi on air (Documentary)



Idriss Gabel ist ein belgischer Cutter und Regisseur französischer Abstammung. Von Kindesbeinen an war er vom Kino fasziniert, so dass er sich während seines Studiums selbst das Schneiden von Filmen und diverse Montage-Techniken beibrachte. Dies brachte ihm die Aufmerksamkeit des belgischen Regisseur Thierry Michel ein welcher ihn zu seinem Hauptcutter machte. Gabel begleitete Michel auf mehrere Filmdrehs im Kongo und arbeitet an über zehn seiner Filme als Cutter. Hierbei entdeckte er sein Gefühl für Filmregie und sein Talent den Blickwinkel seiner Protagonisten einzunehmen und so ihre persönliche Geschichte aus nächster Nähe zu erzählen. Seine Arbeit als Filmemacher ist vom Migrationshintergrund seiner Familie, deren Liebe zum Reisen, und seinem Bruder mit Trisomie-21 beeinflusst. So erzählen seine beiden ersten Kurzfilme, HANDICAP TOI-MÊME ! (2014) und SNOEZELEN, UN MONDE EN QUÊTE DE SENS (2015) von Kindern mit Behinderungen. Sein erster Langspieldokumentarfilm Kolwezi on Air (2016) folgt einem lokalen Fernsehnachrichtenteam in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo und wurde auf Festivals weltweit gezeigt. I USED TO LIKE THE SEA (2018) ist sein insgesamt vierter Film und zweites abendfüllendes Werk.

2020 - Le Fantôme de Spandau (Dokumentarfilm)
2018 - Je n'aime plus la mer / I Used To Like The Sea (Dokumentarfilm)
2016 - Kolwezi on Air (Dokumentarfilm)
2015 - Snoezelen, un monde en quête de sens (Kurtz Dokumentarfilm)
2014 - Handicap toi-même ! (Kurtz Dokumentarfilm)



2 files


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

With the support of