SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ng'endo Mukii

  • Ng'endo Mukii
© Alex MacNaughton
Film director, Screenwriter, Organiser, Editor
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Kenyan Animator, Editor, Film Director.

On the Ides of March, a creature with a fiery ‘fro was born. Small in stature and withdrawn in nature, she led a reclusive life on the green highlands of Kenya, overlooking the savannah seas. Receiving her primary education under the instruction of foreign nuns of the Catholic persuasion, she left her home to experience this century's Super Power. After a sojourn of many years she returned to her native soils, her intuitive pencil transformed into pressure sensitive stylus and screen. Currently she prances in the Queen's country, nibbling on crumpets and searching through the dense fog.



Ng'endo Mukii è una regista, sceneggiatrice e tecnico di montaggio keniana. Dopo gli studi di regia presso la prestigiosa Royal College of Art (Gran Bretagna), si è dedicata alla realizzazione dei suoi film, in cui si mescolano sapientemente generi cinematografici e tecniche diverse. Yellow Fever, cortometraggio del 2012, alterna animazione e video, ed è la sua tesi di laurea per il Royal College.

2013 - White Gold / 2012 - Yellow Fever, cm / 2010 - The Mask / 2011 - Dust / 2010 - Sungura Series / 2008 - The Know Zone (Serie TV) / 2007 - Shuka / 2006 - Hasidi / 2005 - Suffocate.



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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

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