SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Laïla Marrakchi

Laïla Marrakchi
© David Souenellen / Estrella Production, 22 avril 2013
Film director, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Morrocan Filmmaker and scriptwriter.
Born in 1976, in Casablanca, Morocco. Holder of a High school diploma in Mathematics and Natural Sciences obtained in Casablanca, graduate of the ESRA in 1996, and holder of a Masters in Film and broadcasting Studies acquired in the Paris VIII university, in Saint-Denis in 1999. She has followed many training courses since 1995, as script or assistant director, amongst others on the feature-length Soleil by Roger Hanin (1966), Furia d'Alexandre Aja, as well as Over the Rainbow, official selection Cannes 97. Momo Mambo (2003) is her third short film after The Lost Horizon (2000) and 200 Dirhams (2001). Marock (2004) is her first feature, then Gnaza Party (2012).

Source : Cinemed 2003 & Africiné


15 files


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MAROCK - trailer (in French)



  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

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