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On the rocky paths leading to his childhood birthplace, Allili ascends in silence unaveling his thougs of his sister Baya and the burdens he holds…
On the paths leading to the places of his youth, and along the steep and winding roads, Allili paces silently the progress of his thoughts, gradually revealing the story of his sister Baya and her burden that he carries since his childhood…
A film by Mohamed Yargui
Algeria, 2016, fiction, 17 mins [20 mins, Cannes short Corner]
starring Farid Oukala, Wahida Bounit, Rabah Belabes
على درب مسارات جبلية صخرية، تؤدي به إلى مسقط رأسه و تعود به إلى طفولته، يصعد "عليلي" في صمت…فتتكشف أفكاره عن شقيقته "بايا"، وتتعالى الذكريات و يصير الندم… فإذا بالسّماء أن تتولى بالعهد
Sur les chemins qui montent vers les lieux de sa jeunesse, et au long des sentiers escarpés et sinueux, Allili arpente en silence le cheminement de ses pensées, dévoilant peu à peu l'histoire de sa sœur Baya et le fardeau qu'il porte depuis l'enfance et qui le lie à cette dernière.
8 files