SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Cinéma de Nuit (21ème séance)

Genre : Projection | Dakar

Saturday 06 september 2008

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

At the age of 15, Vitorio had been recruited by force in the Angolese army. After having fought for twenty years, he had been demobilized. During one of his last missions, he stepped on a antipersonel mine and had to suffer a leg amputation. Having waited for months, he finally received a prosthesis.
Alone and pennyless, he had to wander on the streets of Luanda, in the search of a job. One night, while sleeping on the street, his prosthesis was stolen,,, as well as Vitorio's dreams of integration.

Ele é um autêntico herói. Vinte anos de guerra permitiram-lhe obter uma medalha mas deixaram-no também sem uma perna. Nas ruas de Luanda, erra à procura de um emprego, passaporte indispensável para renascer na vida civil. No entanto, apesar da prótese que atenua a sua deficiência, só encontra desprezo, piedade e indiferença perante o seu voluntarismo nesta cidade confrontada com o afluxo dos refugiados e a muita penúria.

VO Português
2004 - Drama - 97 minutos
Prémio da Primeira Obra, Cartago (Tunisie), 2004
Melhor Filme Estrangeiro, Festival de Sundance, 2005
Prémio da Melhor Fotografia, Fespaco, 2005

Information / Venue

( 2008-09-06 00:00:00 )
Jardins de l'Institut L.S.Senghor (ex CCF - Centre Culturel Français de Dakar) 89 rue Joseph Gomis

Recurring events

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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Exnihilo Art Center

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